Stop These 7 Excuses and Find the Motivation to Go Running Today

by Kate Sutton, Global Brand Running Trainee

What is the difference between the person that we want to be and the person that we are right now? Excuses. Every day I can find a reason not to do something under the pretense of having a real, legitimate justification. We’ve all found ourselves trying to duck out of a planned run, but here’s why you should leave the following excuses behind if you want to gain back your motivation to go running:

Excuse #1 “I’m not motivated.”

This is probably the root of all the excuses on this page. Getting motivated is a matter of deciding what motivates you and holding yourself accountable to your goals. If self-betterment is your driver for pounding the pavement, but you struggle with disciplining yourself, put together a training plan — either yourself or use a platform to do it for you. Sharing it with friends or fellow runners online can really keep you on track to achieve your targets. You can go one step further and keep yourself accountable to others by committing to run with a friend or by joining a running community. If you skip a run, it’s not only yourself that you’re letting down. Another option would be to run for the betterment of others — thousands of people every year are motivated to raise funds for charities or groups, and this greater purpose keeps them committed to their race training.

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Excuse #2 “It’s too cold/hot/wet/windy.”

In today’s technological era, it would be a mistake to think that running apparel is anywhere but leading the race. Make it easy to track down every piece of your running gear, regardless of what it looks like when you open the curtains. If you fear that the volatile conditions outside could bankrupt you, advances in this market mean that you can find pieces at every price point, as well as investing in pieces that adapt to the environment around you – meaning that one outfit can work whatever the weather.

Excuse #3 “I’m bad at running.”

No human being can claim that they are inherently “bad at running.” Humans have evolved into a species that is more capable than almost any other mammal when it comes to distance running. If you can cool yourself through sweating, if you have a plantar arch with a spring-like capacity function, and a big toe that aligns with the others on your foot, then you are biologically designed to thrive at distance running. So, really anyone can start running. Running training can also be helpful for beginners to learn the right technique. More importantly, how are you ever going to get better at running if you don’t practice?

Excuse #4 “Running is boring.”

My parents used to tell me that “only boring people get bored,” and although I still maintain that this is an unfair blanket statement, it’s easy to get creative with running. What about the runners that raced the London Underground (and won)? What about the runners who surround themselves with DJs and clouds of colored paint? What about the runners of the Marathon de Medoc who stop at 23 drinking stations along the way? What about the runners in pursuit of apocalyptic survival against flesh-eating zombies? Try telling these runners that what they do is boring.

Excuse #5 “I don’t have time.”

You do have time. Even setting aside just twenty minutes to go out and run every other day will enable you to reap the rewards of running. You definitely have time.

Excuse #6 “I’m too tired.”

You might believe that each morning everyone is issued a finite amount of energy — but this is far from the reality. The backwards logic is actually true for running — in expending energy, you can actually find additional fuel reserves (more energy!) through the release of endorphins in the brain. The side effects of running also include better sleep, which increases your energy levels throughout the day. This leads to being able to harness your energy more efficiently, leaving you feeling more invigorated as a result.

Excuse #7 “I’m too stressed.”

There is plenty of evidence to show how running improves mental health,(1) so let each step you take maximize your mindfulness. Learn to enjoy the journey and not just the finish line.

We asked our users to share their most common excuses, do any of them look familiar to you?

About Kate Sutton:

Kate Sutton is an athlete who believes that running and sports have really helped shape the woman she is today. Running gave her an edge for field hockey growing up, and she even went on to compete in cross-country and track. She definitely feels her success in sports helped facilitate and support other endeavors in her life.


Credits: Runtastic

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